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Smart Groups in Keyboard Maestro

Cool use of Smart Groups in Keyboard Maestro

Smart Groups in Keyboard Maestro is a way to filter macros based on any search criteria. This works very similar to how Smart Folders work in Finder. Anything you search for can be a smart group.

Legacy Macro Smart Group

Wouldn't it be great to track macros that you're not using? Perhaps these macros are from an old project? It would be handy to know which macros that you're not using to declutter your Keyboard Maestro library.

There's a Smart Group query for that -it's easy to find active Macros that you haven't used in a while. Here's a query that I have set up:

nonuse Macros

Search Query: e: -use:5w

This query basically says, "Show me all active macros that have not been executed in the past 5 weeks.

Here's an alternative version:

Search Query: e: -use:365d

This query basically says, "Show me all active macros that have not been executed in the past year.

Some Other Smart Group Ideas

Here are some other ideas for Smart Groups for Keyboard Maestro:

  • Search Query: %Variable%release - Show macros that are using a certain variable
  • Search Query: curl - Show macros that are using curl
  • Search Query: ?php - Show macros that have PHP scripts enabled

Search Query Help

You can find a list of all the queries on the Keyboard Maestro Help page. There's a lot of cool search queries commands available.

Smart Groups are Great

Keyboard Maestro Smart Groups are a great way to find similar macros. This functionality comes in handy when you need to update a bunch of macros - for example: if you updated a common library file.



These posts showcase some excellent examples of why Keyboard Maestro is a must-have for every Mac OS user. As a powerful automation tool, Keyboard Maestro helps boost productivity, save time, and streamline repetitive tasks. With its vast array of customizable features and functions, it's the perfect choice for Mac OS users seeking to optimize their workflow.


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