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September 6, 2021

Amazon Scam Calls

A Scam call from Amazon goes wrong for them

I get calls from "Amazon Support" letting me know that someone charged an iPhone to my account. These are scams.

The whole purpose of these scams is to get them access to your computer and then at some point they will access your bank account and then money goes missing.

Why would Amazon need to do this? Shouldn't the first step is to change my Amazon login? Then let my credit card company know about the charge?

I tried to bring up the logic in this call. They didn't want to hear logic and thought I was wasting their time.

Amazon Scam Call

If more people did this to scam calls, it would certainly prevent them from occurring.

Some day we'll look back and say, "Remember when we use to get that stupid Amazon call... ya that was fun."

August 30, 2021

Eddie Andelman

Special Guest on the Morton Downey Jr Show

Here's another clip from the Morton Downey Jr Show - The 1989 New Years Special. This clip features Eddie Andelman and his sports predictions for 1989.

Eddie was a favorite by Morton Downey Jr and he enjoyed him as a guest.

The audio on this clip is pretty bad, I still have the original tape. I'll see if there is a way to fix it.

Eddie Andelman on the Morton Downey Jr Show

August 23, 2021

Car Warranty Calls

Spoof the Call? I'll make you pay for it.

This week's media feature - Dealing with the Car Warranty Calls...

Just like most people, I get a lot of calls about how my car warranty has been expired and this is the final chance to get an extended warranty before they close the file.

Sometimes the people that call me don't know what car I have. They expect me to "give" them the information by verifying my car make and model.

Remember: When they ask to verify information, they are really asking you to give them information.

This call ends with me getting the exact car miles and calling them back with the info:

Oh, I can't call them back, because they spoof the phone number. Stop calling me with spoof numbers tricking me to think it's an important call.

August 16, 2021

Commute to Boston

Traveling the Mass Pike to Boston

Today I had to drive into Boston for work. I decided to hook up my GoPro Hero 9 camera to the dashboard and record a time-lapse of my morning and evening commute.

The video starts at Temple Street in Framingham and ends at the Christian Science Center Parking garage. The evening commute starts in the Christian Science Center garage and ends on Route 9 in Framingham.

The traffic wasn't all that bad as many people are still working from home. In a few weeks, more people will be going back into the office.

Framingham to Boston via Mass Pike

August 9, 2021

Cape Cod Commercials

Classic 1988 Commercials

This week are four classic commercials that aired in the late 1980s. These have been available on the Real Audio pages. However, the real audio player isn't available for mobile users, so I thought I make some of the popular clips available.

The Commercials

  • Lobster Claw
  • Pufferbellies
  • Cousins
  • Delauras

Enjoy the classic clips!

August 2, 2021

The Morton Downey Jr. Show

Featuring Doctor Fad

This week we are featuring another clip from "The Morton Downey Jr." show. This is another segment from the 1989 Predictions show. This was recorded on December 20, 1988. This is episode 122188.

This segment features "Doctor Fad" (Otherwise known as Ken Hakuta) talking about the latest fads in 1988.

Audio is pretty bad in this clip - not sure what happened. It could be the VHS tape slowly dying or just a bad digital encoding.

July 26, 2021

Student Loans Call and Voice Mail - Part 2

Scammers trying to get me to pay for their service

On July 12th, I blogged about the various phone calls for the Student Loan forgiveness program. These are obvious scams - I never applied for student loans. If these were legitimate organizations, they would know this.

Instead these are cold calls looking for people who are desperate enough to fall for their bait. Even the Federal Government has issued a warning about the scam in an article posted on the Federal Student Aid website.

The funny thing is, I get these calls around the same time I would get the Medical Services and the Final Expense Insurance calls.

More Calls

Here is a voice message and a call where I actually talk to a person.

July 19, 2021

New England Commercials

Remember some classic commercials from my collection

Here's another great collection of commercials. This is from a couple of my VHS tape collections. The quality of audio on a couple of these commercial clips is pretty bad. I think it was something to do with the digitalization. I'll take a look and see if I can do a better job importing the audio.

New England Commercials

Feature in this video:

  • New England Telephone - "The Art Gallery"
  • New England Telephone - "The Operator"
  • Massachusetts Lottery - "Mega Million Mom"
  • Friendly's - "Free Ice Cream"
  • Lechmere - "This Week's Deals" (December 1988)

July 12, 2021

Student Loan Messages

Why Do I keep getting these??

Once every few days, I get a message in my voicemail about my Student Loan. The thing is that I took out a student loan.

Clearly these people are phishing for people with student loans. Any legitimate business would do their research to know a bit more about the people they are talking to.

The other thing about these calls is that they always get to voicemail. They found a way to call a number and go directly to voicemail. There have been many times when I would get these calls and it would alert the iPhone that a call is coming. Before the caller ID clicked in, the call would get disconnected and minutes later I would be notified that I have a voice message.

Check out a couple of these calls:

July 5, 2021

Commercials from 2000

Five California Commercial from 2000

This week we are featuring 5 commercials from the year 2000. These were all recorded from California and were on in July 2000.

Commercials in this media feature:

  • Jewelry Exchange - Buy Factory Direct in Burlingame California
  • Sizzler - Promoting the $7.99 dishes
  • MSN Mobile - How phone were like before the iPhone
  • NBC 2000 Olympics Promo - Feature CJ Hunter and Marion Jones
  • US Mint - Promoting the Golden Dollar coin.

YouTube Video



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