Add Hyperlink to Clipboard Content
Keyboard Maestro makes it easy to edit Clipboard content
Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to automatically add hyperlinks to common text? Especially when sending emails? For example, if you reference Jira tickets in your email, wouldn't it be nice that they automatically had Hyperlinks?
You can do this using a Keyboard Maestro Macro in a four simple actions.
Creating Macro to Add Hyperlink to Text
To get this done, I am going to use the Unix textutil command. This will help convert an HTML file to Rich Text Format, which will allow the links to show in Mail, Pages, Microsoft Word, or any application supporting RTF format.
The goal of this Macro is to take the content of the clipboard, add hyperlinks, convert to rich text and then put the final product back on the clipboard ready to paste any place. Feel free to customize this to your own needs!
In Atlassian Jira, the Software Project name is the first three letters. If your linking up to Jira make sure to match the project name and the company name.
Cool Features to Think About
The nice thing about Keyboard Maestro is that you can add as many Regular Expressions as you want, such as a link to the company website where ever the company name appears.
Known Issues with this Method
Since this is using a temporary file, the data is still stored on the computer after the action is completed. So anyone with computer access can read the contents of the temp file (Simply add a cleanup step at the end to fix this)
When pasting rich text in Mail the text appears to be smaller, that is because the font changes from Helvetica 12 to Times 12.