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Check out the growing QA Image Library. This is my personal colleciton of Slack Images for that perfect QA Moment.

April 11, 2023

Intemperance's Eighty Dictum

Intemperance's Eighty Dictum is a well-known principle in the field of quality assurance, and it has significant implications for software quality assurance. The Eighty Dictum is a set of rules that outlines the key factors that influence the quality of any product or service. These rules were originally formulated by Joseph M. Juran, a renowned quality management expert, and have been widely adopted in various industries.

Rules Of Q A

The Eighty Dictum consists of several key principles, including the following:

  1. Quality is defined by the customer's requirements.
  2. Quality improvements must be continuous.
  3. Quality is achieved through teamwork and collaboration.
  4. Quality is measured in terms of fitness for use.
  5. Quality is a strategic advantage that can be leveraged to gain a competitive edge.
  6. Quality is achieved through prevention, not just detection and correction of defects.
  7. Quality requires a structured approach that emphasizes data-driven decision-making.
  8. Quality improvement efforts must be integrated into the organization's overall business strategy.

When it comes to software quality assurance, these principles are particularly relevant. Quality software must meet the needs and expectations of its users, which is why the first principle is so important. It is essential to understand the customer's requirements and use those requirements to guide the development and testing process.

Continuous improvement is also critical for software quality assurance. Bugs and defects will inevitably arise, but a continuous improvement mindset can help teams address those issues quickly and prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.

Teamwork and collaboration are essential in software quality assurance. Developers, testers, and other stakeholders must work together to ensure that the software meets the necessary standards of quality.

The principle of fitness for use is particularly relevant in software quality assurance. Software must not only work but must work well and meet the needs of its users. It must also be tested under various conditions and environments to ensure its reliability.

Quality software can provide a significant strategic advantage for a business, and it is essential to take a structured approach to achieve it. Data-driven decision-making is critical in this process, as it allows teams to identify issues and make informed decisions about how to address them.

Finally, quality improvement efforts must be integrated into the overall business strategy. This means that software quality assurance must be considered at every stage of the development process and must be aligned with the organization's goals and objectives.

In conclusion, Intemperance's Eighty Dictum is a powerful set of principles that can guide software quality assurance efforts. By following these principles, software development teams can ensure that their products meet the needs of their users, are continuously improved, and provide a strategic advantage for their business.

April 4, 2023

The CobWeb Theory as it applies to QA

CobWeb Therory QA

The CobWeb Theory is a concept that was first proposed by economist Thomas Schelling in the 1960s. It is a model that helps to explain how seemingly small and insignificant changes in a system can lead to large and significant changes over time.

In the context of Quality Assurance, the CobWeb Theory can be used to explain how small deviations from quality standards can lead to larger deviations over time. For example, if a manufacturing process begins to produce products that are slightly out of spec, this may not be immediately noticeable. However, over time, as more and more products are produced with these small deviations, the overall quality of the products will degrade.

The key takeaway from the CobWeb Theory is that small deviations from quality standards can have a significant impact over time. This is why it is important to have a robust Quality Assurance system in place that can detect and correct small deviations before they become larger issues.

One of the ways to do this is through the implementation of continuous improvement processes such as Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, etc. These methodologies are based on the principles of data-driven decision-making, and they provide a framework for identifying and eliminating sources of variation in a process. By using data to drive decision-making, organizations can more effectively detect and correct small deviations from quality standards, preventing them from becoming larger issues.

Another effective way to prevent the CobWeb Theory from happening is through regular audits, inspections, and testing of products, services, and processes. These activities can help identify and correct deviations from quality standards before they become larger issues. Additionally, regular training and development of employees is also important, as it helps to ensure that everyone is aware of the importance of quality and is equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to uphold quality standards.

In conclusion, the CobWeb Theory highlights the importance of having a robust Quality Assurance system in place, one that is able to detect and correct small deviations from quality standards before they become larger issues. By following continuous improvement processes, regular audits, inspections, and testing, and regular training and development of employees, organizations can ensure that they maintain high quality standards and prevent the CobWeb Theory from happening.

March 28, 2023

Chrome Tab Groups

Many of us have a tendency to open up multiple tabs while using the internet. Whether its for research, social media, or entertainment, having multiple tabs open can be overwhelming and disorganized. Luckily, Chrome Tab Group is a great tool to help keep your tabs organized and easy to access.


Chrome Tab Group was introduced in the Chrome browser in late 2020. It allows the user to organize open tabs into visually labeled groups, making it easy to stay organized and quickly access the tabs you need.

How to Use

Using Chrome Tab Group is easy. All you need to do is right-click on the tab you want to group, select 'Add tab to new group', and then name the group. From there, you can drag and drop other tabs into the group. You can also change the color of the group for easy identification.


To make the most of Chrome Tab Group, try to group your tabs in a way that makes sense to you. For example, you could group tabs by topic, project, or priority. You can also use emojis in the group names to make them more visually appealing and easier to identify at a glance.

Another tip is to use keyboard shortcuts to quickly create and navigate between groups. For example, you can press 'Ctrl + Shift + E' on Windows or 'Command + Shift + E' on Mac to open the Tab Groups menu. From there, you can create new groups, rename groups, and switch between them using the arrow keys.

By following these tips and using Chrome Tab Group, you can make your browsing experience more efficient and enjoyable.


Using Chrome Tab Group has many benefits. It can help keep your tabs organized in a logical way, it makes it easy to find the tabs you need, and it reduces the strain on your computer's memory.

Chrome Tab Group is a tool in the Chrome browser that allows users to organize open tabs into visually labeled groups, making it easy to stay organized and quickly access the tabs you need. By grouping tabs in a logical way and using keyboard shortcuts, users can make their browsing experience more efficient and enjoyable. The tool also reduces the strain on your computer's memory and allows you to collapse and expand groups for even more control over your browsing experience.


Chrome Tab Group is a great way to keep your tabs organized and easy to access. It can reduce the strain on your computer's memory, making browsing the web more efficient and enjoyable.

In addition to organizing your tabs, Chrome Tab Group also allows you to collapse and expand groups, giving you even more control over your browsing experience. This feature is especially helpful when you have a large number of tabs open and want to quickly find a specific group. Overall, using Chrome Tab Group can help make your browsing experience smoother and more efficient.

March 21, 2023

How Golf Spring Rules apply to QA

As the crisp air of spring makes its way across the green, golfers are dusting off their clubs and eagerly preparing for a new season on the course. Just as golfers must adhere to the rules of the game, software developers must follow a set of guidelines to ensure the highest quality in their products.

In this blog post, we will explore the parallels between Golf Spring Rules and Quality Assurance Testing in the world of software development. By drawing on these parallels, we hope to provide valuable insights into best practices that can enhance the quality of your software products.

Acclaim Technology Golf Spring 1998
A couple of golfers at Silver Creek Valley Country Club in San Jose, California.

Setting the Boundaries: Defining Test Scenarios

Golf courses have well-defined boundaries, and golfers must play within these limits to achieve their goals. Similarly, defining the scope and limits of your testing scenarios is crucial in Quality Assurance Testing. Just like a golfer plans each shot, testers should outline the various scenarios and conditions that the software will face during testing. This structured approach ensures that the software is tested in a way that is comprehensive, efficient, and most importantly, relevant to its intended use.

The Importance of a Good Swing: Developing Test Cases

A golfer's swing is the most critical aspect of their game, and mastering it takes time and practice. In software testing, developing test cases is akin to perfecting that swing. Test cases should be designed to cover every possible situation, including positive and negative test scenarios, performance tests, and edge cases. By meticulously crafting your test cases, you can ensure that your software is thoroughly tested and will perform optimally under various conditions.

Maintaining the Course: Continuous Testing and Monitoring

Golf courses need continuous maintenance and care to ensure that they are in optimal condition for play. In the world of software development, continuous testing and monitoring are essential for maintaining the quality of your product. By integrating automated testing tools into your development process, you can quickly identify and fix any issues that arise during development. This proactive approach to quality assurance can save time, reduce costs, and ensure a higher level of customer satisfaction.

Playing by the Rules: Compliance and Standards

In golf, players must adhere to a set of rules and guidelines to maintain fairness and ensure the integrity of the game. Likewise, software developers must follow industry standards and regulatory requirements to ensure that their products are safe, secure, and reliable. By staying up-to-date with the latest compliance requirements and implementing best practices in your Quality Assurance Testing processes, you can ensure that your software meets the highest standards and minimizes potential risks.

Learning from Your Mistakes: Analyzing Test Results and Iterative Improvement

No golfer is perfect, and every player encounters challenges and setbacks throughout their career. The key to success is learning from those mistakes and making adjustments to improve. In software testing, analyzing test results is crucial for identifying areas of improvement and making the necessary changes. By adopting an iterative approach to testing, you can continually refine and enhance your software, ultimately leading to a more robust and reliable product.


As the new golf season unfolds, it's an excellent opportunity to draw parallels between the game's rules and the importance of Quality Assurance Testing in software development. By embracing the principles of defining test scenarios, developing test cases, continuous testing, compliance, and iterative improvement, you can ensure that your software is of the highest quality and ready to face the challenges of the real world. So, as you step onto the green this spring, remember that the same dedication and attention to detail that make a great golfer can also make a great software product.

March 14, 2023

Spring Training

Spring Training Q A

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) can be compared to baseball spring training in several ways:

  • Preparing for the season: Just as baseball teams use spring training to prepare for the upcoming season, SQA teams use this time to prepare for the release of a software product. This includes setting up the testing environment, defining testing strategies, and creating test cases.
  • Building teamwork: Spring training provides an opportunity for players to come together as a team, and SQA teams must also work together to ensure that all aspects of testing are covered. This includes collaborating on test plans, sharing test results, and working together to identify and resolve defects.
  • Practicing fundamentals: During spring training, players focus on the basics of the game such as hitting, fielding, and throwing. Similarly, SQA teams focus on the fundamentals of testing, such as creating comprehensive test cases, conducting thorough regression testing, and verifying that defects have been resolved.
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses: In baseball, spring training is a time for coaches to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each player. Similarly, SQA teams use this time to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the software product, such as which areas of the application are most susceptible to defects.
  • Iterative improvement: Finally, just as players use spring training to improve their skills, SQA teams use this time to improve the testing process. This includes implementing new testing tools, refining test plans, and incorporating lessons learned from previous releases.

In conclusion, SQA is like baseball spring training in that it provides an opportunity for teams to prepare for the upcoming season, build teamwork, focus on the fundamentals, identify strengths and weaknesses, and improve through iterative refinement.

March 7, 2023

Stealth Mode Deployment vs Release Canaries

Release Canaries and Stealth Mode Deployment are both software development and deployment strategies that aim to minimize the risk of introducing issues or negative impacts to the user base. However, they differ in their approach and execution.

Stealth Canaries

Key Features

Release Canaries involve releasing a new version of software to a small subset of users or servers before rolling it out to a wider audience. The Canary is used to test the new release in a real-world environment and identify any potential issues before the release is made available to everyone.

Stealth Mode Deployment, on the other hand, involves gradually rolling out changes or new features to a small subset of users and monitoring the impact of those changes before rolling them out to a wider audience. The changes are not explicitly announced, and the focus is on making incremental changes that can be tested and monitored.

Key Differences

While both strategies aim to reduce the risk of introducing issues or negative impacts to the user base, release canaries are generally used for major releases, while Stealth Mode Deployment is more commonly used for incremental changes or feature rollouts. Release Canaries are also typically used in situations where there is a higher risk of introducing critical issues or where the user base is large and diverse, while Stealth Mode Deployment can be used in situations where the changes are less critical or the user base is smaller.

In summary, both Release Canaries and Stealth Mode Deployment can be effective strategies for minimizing risk and improving the quality of software releases. The choice of which strategy to use depends on the specific circumstances and goals of the release, as well as the size and diversity of the user base.

February 28, 2023

Stealth Mode Deployment

Stealth Mode Deployment 2023

"Stealth mode deployment" is a software development and deployment strategy where new features or changes are rolled out gradually and without fanfare. Instead of making a big announcement or releasing a new version with all changes at once, changes are released incrementally to a small subset of users and monitored for issues before being rolled out to a wider audience.

The idea behind stealth mode deployment is to minimize the risk of introducing bugs or issues that could impact the entire user base. By rolling out changes to a small group of users, developers can test and monitor the changes in a real-world environment, identify and fix issues as they arise, and gradually increase the number of users who have access to the changes.

Some benefits of stealth mode deployment include:

  • Reduced risk of issues impacting the entire user base: By releasing changes to a small subset of users first, any issues that arise can be caught and addressed before they impact a larger number of users.
  • Incremental testing and monitoring: By rolling out changes gradually, developers can test and monitor changes in a real-world environment and address any issues as they arise.
  • Improved user experience: By gradually rolling out changes and monitoring their impact on user behavior and experience, developers can ensure that the changes are positively received by users.
  • Increased confidence in deployment: By testing and monitoring changes before they are rolled out to a wider audience, developers can have increased confidence that the changes are stable and will not negatively impact the user base.

In summary, stealth mode deployment is a software development and deployment strategy that can help minimize the risk of introducing issues and improve the user experience. By rolling out changes gradually and monitoring their impact, developers can identify and address issues before they impact a wider audience and increase their confidence in the deployment process.

February 21, 2023

Release Canaries

Release canaries are a technique used in software development and deployment that can help ensure the quality and stability of a release. Essentially, a release canary is a small subset of users or servers that receive a new release before it is rolled out to the wider audience. The canary is used to test the new release in a real-world environment and identify any potential issues before the release is made available to everyone.

Canaries Testing

Here are some ways that release canaries can save your bacon for QA:

  • Early detection of issues: By releasing a new version to a small subset of users or servers, you can quickly identify any issues that may arise with the new release. This allows you to address any problems before the release is made widely available, potentially preventing widespread issues that could negatively impact user experience.
  • Reduced risk: By releasing a new version to a small group of users or servers, you reduce the risk of a major issue affecting the entire user base. If an issue is identified during the canary release, you can easily roll back the changes and prevent any widespread issues. This strategy makes it easier to detect any problems with the new version, as the impact is limited to a small group of users or servers. This allows you to address the issue before it affects the entire user base, thus reducing the risk of any widespread disruptions.
  • Improved feedback: Release canaries allow you to receive feedback from a smaller group of users or servers, which can be more manageable and easier to analyze. This feedback can be used to make improvements to the new release and ensure that it is ready for wider release. By using release canaries, companies can gradually roll out a new version to a small group of users or servers and monitor their response. This allows them to make adjustments and improvements to the new version before releasing it more widely. It also helps to identify any potential problems that could arise before they become widespread.
  • Increased confidence: By testing a new release on a smaller scale before making it available to everyone, you can have increased confidence in the quality and stability of the release. This can give your team peace of mind that they are delivering a high-quality product to users. By testing the product on a smaller scale, you can identify any potential issues before they become widespread and can make the necessary changes before rolling out the product to the public. This can save your team time and money by preventing potential problems and ensuring customers receive the highest quality product.

In summary, release canaries can help to identify potential issues early, reduce risk, improve feedback, and increase confidence in a new release. Incorporating release canaries into your quality assurance process can be an effective way to ensure that you are delivering a high-quality product to your users.

February 14, 2023

Things QA Love To Do

Boston Public Library Bates Hall
Bates Hall at the Boston Public Library

As part of software development, Quality Assurance (QA) is an essential component, and QA professionals play a crucial role in ensuring that products are of high quality and meet customer expectations. A few of the things QA professionals enjoy doing in their spare time will be discussed in this blog.

Gaming: Many QA professionals are avid gamers, and they enjoy playing games on their computers or gaming consoles. They enjoy the challenge of finding bugs in games and finding ways to improve the user experience.

Learning new technologies: QA professionals are always looking for ways to improve their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. They like to attend conferences, workshops, and training sessions to learn about new tools and techniques in their field.

Reading: QA professionals are curious by nature, and they like to read books, articles, and blog posts about software development, testing, and quality assurance. They also like to read about the latest trends in technology and how they can be applied to software development.

Collaborating with other QA professionals: QA professionals like to network with other professionals in their field and share their experiences and knowledge. They attend meetups, join online forums, and participate in online communities to connect with other QA professionals.

Exploring new software: QA professionals are always on the lookout for new software products to test and evaluate. They like to try out new tools and software to see how they can be used in their work and to share their findings with others.

In conclusion, QA professionals are a diverse group of individuals who have a passion for technology and a love for software development. They enjoy finding and fixing bugs, learning new technologies, and collaborating with others in their field. Whether they're gaming, reading, or exploring new software, QA professionals are always finding ways to improve their skills and knowledge.

February 7, 2023

ZSH for QA

In order to ensure that the software product meets the predetermined criteria, Software Quality Assurance (SQA) testing requires an efficient, dependable, and economical approach. ZSH is a powerful shell scripting language for automating Quality Assurance tests. We will discuss how to use ZSH in this blog post.

ZSH enables developers to write concise and effective scripts that can be used for a variety of tasks, including running automated tests, analyzing log files, and even generating reports. It also provides a number of useful functions that can be used to expedite the process of software development and testing.


Learning the language is the first step. ZSH is a Unix shell and scripting language that provides features such as command-line completion, command-line editing, file globbing, and plenty of other features. It is also highly configurable and can be used to build robust and intricate scripts.

Once you have a basic understanding of ZSH, there are a couple of tips to help you effectively utilize it for SQA testing.

First, use command-line completion to assist you in quickly and accurately typing commands. This feature allows you to enter a partial command and have ZSH automatically complete it for you. This is particularly beneficial when you are entering long, complicated commands.

Second, take advantage of the command-line editing feature. With this feature, you can easily edit commands that you have already entered and make modifications quickly and easily.

Third, use the Globbing feature to quickly locate files or directories. This feature enables you to use wildcards to search for files or directories. For example, you can type '*' to locate all files in a directory, or ''? to search for a particular file.

Finally, take advantage of the powerful scripting features of ZSH to create intricate and powerful scripts. With this feature, you can write scripts that automate SQA tests, making them more efficient and accurate. By utilizing the scripting features of ZSH, you can create scripts that manage multiple test cases. This will reduce the time and effort required to perform tests, and help to identify bugs and other issues quickly.

By following these tips, you can use ZSH to efficiently and accurately automate SQA tests. ZSH is an incredibly powerful and versatile language. With the right knowledge and understanding, you can use it to create powerful scripts that make SQA testing more efficient and accurate.

Once you have a firm grasp of the language, it is imperative to leverage the advantage of ZSH's features to help make SQA testing more efficient. For instance, use command-line completion to quickly and accurately enter commands, take advantage of the command-line editing feature to make modifications quickly and easily, use file globbing to quickly find files or directories, and leverage the scripting features of ZSH to create powerful scripts. By taking advantage of these features, you can create scripts that run multiple tests, reduce the time and effort spent testing, and identify bugs and other issues efficiently.


Welcome to QA!

The purpose of these blog posts is to provide you with all the information you ever wanted to know about Software Quality Assurance testing but were afraid to ask.

These blog posts will cover topics, such as what is software quality assurance testing, how to create test plans, how to design test cases, and how to create automated tests. They will also cover best practices for software quality assurance testing and provide tips and tricks to make testing more efficient and effective.

Check out all the Blog Posts.


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