QA Graphic
May 7, 2022

RansomWare Attack

Cool Map of Who Got Attacked by RansomWare

Ransomware attacks are on the rise and pose a serious threat to both individuals and businesses. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts data on a victim's computer, then demands payment in order to decrypt the data. Victims can be forced to pay ransom in order to regain access to their files, or face permanent loss of access if they do not pay.

Ransomware can have a devastating impact on businesses, including loss of revenue and damage to reputation. In some cases, ransomware attacks have caused companies to go out of business. Ransomware also poses a risk to individual users, who may lose important personal files if they are infected with ransomware.

Check out the map put together by where Ransomware have been successful.

Website Description

Each dot represents the location of a ransomware attack, with the color of the dot indicating the sector affected (healthcare, education, government, and business).

This map updates daily and pinpoints the locations of each ransomware attack in the world, from 2018 to the present day. Where available, it includes the ransom amount, whether or not the ransom was paid, the entity, sector, and industry that was targeted, and the strain of ransomware used. Our researchers search through country reports, industry news, and cybersecurity databases to find the latest ransomware attacks on worldwide businesses, healthcare organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies.

Ransom Ware Attack

April 30, 2022

Zoom Tool

Pixelied Zoom tool is a handy tool to use

Pixelied is an online image editor that has 95 feature tools, making it easy to touch up images. With these tools, you can quickly touch up images without having to learn photoshop. Pixelied also offers a wide range of photo filters and effects that you can use to enhance your photos.

The Zoom tool is a neat tool to zoom into an image - especially if you want the user to focus on a particular object. The zoom does a good job keeping the quality image without a lot of pixelation.

Zoom in on Images Instantly

Don't want to waste too much time zooming in on your photo? We've got your back! With Pixelied's Zoom slider, you can simply slide back and forth to zoom in or out of your photo.

Now easily slide forth to zoom in as much as you want into your favorite photo, or pull the slider back to zoom out. Fast zoom has never been this straightforward!

Zoom Images

April 23, 2022

Trivia Generator

Learn something new in the Random Trivia Generator

Trivia games are a great way to kill time and learn new things. Who knows, the information you learn might help you win at a quiz show! There are all sorts of trivia games out there, from general knowledge questions to specific topics like movies or music.

If you're looking for a fun way to test your knowledge, try playing some trivia games online. You can find quizzes on just about any topic imaginable, so there's something for everyone. Not only is this a fun way to spend your time, but it's also an excellent opportunity to learn new things. So what are you waiting for? Start playing some trivia games today!

Try the Random Trivia Generator, its a fun site to learn all sorts of interesting facts.

Website Information

RTG helps you fill your brain with useless information

Random Trivia Generator seems like a contradiction because trivia can already be seen as random. For instance, why do you need to know which bird lays the largest eggs? You don't, but it's always fun to know the answer in case there is no Internet connection around and someone desperately needs to know. P.S., the answer is an ostrich.

Trivia Generator

April 16, 2022

NFT Random Image

Discover some interesting NFTs that You can Buy

Non-fungible tokens are all the rage. If you are into NFTs or want to see what people are creating, there's nothing like a random sample of NFTs. If you see something you like, simply click on the image and buy it.

Who knows, the random image that you see on your visit could be worth millions next year!

Then again, it may still be available for $5. NFT is a crapshoot.

Website Description

Bored of seeing the same NFTs over and over again? I've got you covered

Epic Ruler Sample

April 9, 2022

Hashtag Generator

Pick the Right Hash Tag for Your Posts

Hashtags can really help get your post noticed on social media. Having the right hashtag can make a difference in people finding your content.

Using the Hashtag generator helps you find the right tags to use. You can select Random, Top, or Live. This is useful when you want to write about current events or just general topics.

Website Description

Not sure which hashtags to use? You can use this hashtag generator which will give you the top 30 and more hashtags based on one keyword selection. Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post. Therefore, it was divided into blocks of 30 hashtags to make it easier for you to copy and paste.

The hashtag generator generates related hashtags based on a keyword. You have 3 filter options to find the right hashtags you need. You can easily copy the generated hashtags with the copying button.

Top Hashtags

Generate top hashtags which are based on your keyword. The hashtags can be different to the topic of the keyword, but they are popular hashtags with long range.

Random Hashtags

Random hashtags are generated hashtags that are based on your searching keyword. The results are hashtags, that include the keyword you have chosen.

All Hashtags

April 2, 2022

Background Generator

Create some cool random backgrounds

Having a background design can help make your text stand out. Sometimes it's tough to figure out the perfect background design. Why not go random?

The Background generator is a sophisticated way to create the perfect background. You can set up all sorts of settings, or go with some default values.

I think it's certainly something that I may use for my computer wallpaper - something a bit more modern than having a photo.

Website Description

Background Generator ( is a free online image creator website that enables you to generate unique creative images for all use purposes like computer wallpapers, blog and article illustrations, commercial backgrounds, posters, and more. This brilliant image generating tool creates outstanding images by the random machine algorithm with 7 different styles and ensures every single generated image is unique in the world. You can also customize the image size, and the tool can output high-resolution images larger than 4K.

Besides JPG/JPEG image format, Background Generator also supports saving the created image to PNG format, and the Transparent option allows you to save the PNG with transparent background or opaque. This is very useful for designers who want to use the generated background with other images.

Background Generator

Sample Output

This is the "Bars" category

March 26, 2022

The Ultimate Bootstrap Playground

If you do anything with Bootstrap, is a great resource. Its a place where you can design your own bootstrap page from drag and drop elements.

You can find templates for Jumbotron, Lando landing page, Album, Blog, Carousel, Offcanvas, Pricing, Product, eCommerce Homepage, and a blank canvas.

Even if you are a seasonal Bootstrap expert, this is a really cool builder that helps you plan the front end to your project.

Website Description

Bootsnipp is an element gallery for web designers and web developers, anybody using Bootstrap will find this website essential in their craft.


March 19, 2022


Fix those pesky Grammar mistakes!

It's important to sound professional in emails and online. If you make one mistake, people may focus too much on the mistake than the message your trying to deliver.

That's why sites like Grammica are so essential.

Simply copy and paste your text and instantly find ways to improve what you're trying to say.

The good news is that it's Free! Try it out and see how well it works!

Even better, try it after services like Grammarly had gone through and fixed your grammer.

Website Description

Grammica grammar check uses a fully advanced machine-learning algorithm to identify and grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax errors in your writing. Our English grammar check thoroughly analyses your text in real-time. Our advanced writing assistant tool runs your text through a sophisticated algorithm that recognizes grammar errors based on the context of your writing. It displays the type of error it detects along with a quick summary.


March 12, 2022

Saint Patrick's Day Mockup

Lots of Saint Patrick's Day Mockups to promote your event

Are you having a Saint Patrick's Day celebration this year? If you are looking for something to promote your party try Placeit by Envato.

They have 58 designs where you can upload your photos to help promote your party - Saint Patrick's Day style.

Website Description

Make Thousands of Incredible Mockups Right in Your Browser

No matter what you want to sell or promote

Promote your latest designs with t-shirt mockups, get more app downloads with iPhone mockups, or reach the bestsellers list with book mockups. Placeit has exactly the mockups you need.

Saint Patricks Day Template

March 5, 2022

Radio Garden

Listen to Radio All over the World

Radio Garden allows you to listen in to any radio station in the world. While most of these are just music stations, it is neat to hear what people around the world are listing to.

An interesting station to listen to right now is Ukraine. Listen to the music that the stations are playing while they are still on the air.

About Radio Garden

Radio Garden invites you to tune into thousands of live radio stations across the globe.

By bringing distant voices close, radio connects people and places. From its very beginning, radio signals have crossed borders. Radio makers and listeners have imagined both connecting with distant cultures, as well as re-connecting with people from ???home??? from thousands of miles away.

Radio Garden is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Our dedicated team is hard at work tending to the garden on a daily basis. Planting Seeds for the future and keeping the weeds at bay.

Radio Garden



I will highlight a fun Internet site every Saturday. The basic premise is to highlight sites that I regularly visit for a variety of reasons. All site recommendations are mine and are unsponsored. By highlighting these websites, I hope to provide value to those who may not know of the sites or who might be interested in visiting the sites. I also want to share the sites that I find valuable in the hopes that others will find them just as beneficial.

Check out all the blog posts.

Blog Schedule

Friday 14 Macintosh
Saturday 15 Internet Tools
Sunday 16 Misc
Monday 17 Media
Tuesday 18 QA
Wednesday 19 Python
Thursday 20 Final Cut Pro