QA Graphic
September 8, 2018


Create a random phrase from any word is simple site that converts a word into a random phrase. This is useful if you're trying to learn a complex word, or just for fun. Since the phase is random it can give you some ideas on more useful backronym.

Webster's Dictionary: an acronym deliberately formed from a phrase whose initial letters spell out a particular word or words, either to create a memorable name or as a fanciful explanation of a word's origin.


Sample Generated Backronym

  • YAHOO: that Yarn-spinning Admissive Houttuynia Orchestrated from that Organdie
  • YAHOO: the Yellowish-orange Aerological Harmonics Overpaying one Octosyllable
  • CNN: that Confined Narthecium from that Nuclease
  • MBTA: that Maltese Brazilian Tortricidae in an Argument
  • NRA: that Nonexplorative Reconcilable Alt

September 1, 2018

Graphic Burger Text Effect

Cool Text Effects for Photoshop

Graphic Burger has all sorts of cool text effects to download and modify using Adobe Photoshop. While it would be great if these were editable online, I think having the templates makes it just as useful.

Description from the Website

GraphicBurger is a buffet of premium quality design resources offered for free to the community. Here you'll find exclusive PSD files "cooked" in-house along with featured top-notch freebies from creatives around the world.

Graphic Burger

Some Notes

  • None of the Text Effects will work with Affinity Designer or Affinity Photo.
  • Some of the effects will work with Photoshop Elements Editor but it appears that you need the full version of Photoshop to use the smart object container feature of the files.

G B Chalk Effect

August 25, 2018

Favicon & App Icon Generator

Easily Create Icons for your website

If you own a website, you still need to create a Favicon for bookmark purposes. A favicon is an icon that is displayed next to the URL in the bookmark list. Not having a custom icon makes the site look unprofessional and boring.

While you can use any graphics format for a Favicon, Microsoft is playing hardball and still requiring the use of ICO files.

This is where favicon-generator comes in handy. The site is a single source to generate all the icons for your website so it looks good on iOS and all the browsers. You don't have to worry about what format is supported by which browser and interface. The site takes all guesswork for you.

If you don't have an icon in mind, you can browse the gallery to see other Favicons to get some ideas.

Description from the Site

Although many modern web browsers support favicons saved as GIFs, PNGs or other popular file formats all versions of Internet Explorer still require favicons to be saved as ICO files (a Microsoft icon format). This tool provides an easy way to convert any GIF, PNG or JPEG to ICO which is supported by all modern web browsers. It also enables you to create favicons from scratch via a handy online editor. Additionally, the editor lets you manually tweak generated favicons to ensure the best possible result.


Sample Designs

When you upload an image, you are giving simple instructions on downloading the generated ZIP file and code snippets to your index.html file.

Sample Output Favicon

Check out Favicon and see it

August 18, 2018

Google A Day

Learn something new about Google

Google a Day is a fun way to learn all the capabilities of using google to do searches. The Website asks a question and you have to find the answer.

You can get a single hint and the opportunity to see the first few letters.

Google A Day

August 11, 2018

Newspaper Generator

A Cool newspaper generator to make professionally looking newsprint graphic

The newspaper article generator at is a quick way to generate a simple fake newspaper story. This is fun when you want to highlight someone's achievement in a newspaper.

The site is very simple to use, loads quickly, and within seconds you get a generated PDF of your limited edition newspaper.

Site Description

Use this free online newspaper generator to create your own spoof newspaper articles. Just upload a photo and add your own text.

Newspaper Generator

Premium Services

If you need more features, check out the Premium Services, where you can change the date, add a larger graphic and add related articles. Perfect when you want to frame the special moment.

Sample Content

Here's a sample Newspaper story from the Newspaper generator.

Apple Newsprint Sample

August 4, 2018


Quickly create images for social media

On Social media, graphic images tend to get more attention than just a text. Pablo, by Buffer, is a great way to make a quick image with any text. You can interact with Pablo through their website or using the Chrome Extension.

The Chrome extension is great because you can transform any image right into Pablo to use as a background image - obviously make sure to have permissions to use the image.

Description from the Website

Pablo is the simplest way to create beautiful images that fit every social network perfectly.

Create images with the perfect size and format for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even Pinterest. Typography, font sizes, and formatting options make everyone a designer! Pablo designers have created more than 500,000 images!


Pablo has templates for Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin. No Need to worry about the right size to use. You can post directly from Pablo or download the image for latest posting.

Sample Images

A couple of images that were scaled down for the purposes of including it in this blog.

pablo Risk Taker

pablo Scan Shop

July 28, 2018

Clock Face Generator

Create a clock face to help illustrate an important event

Sometimes having a visual clock face can help deliver a message. There's no need to create a clock face in Photoshop when you can use an online graphics generator.

Description from the site

Set the time you want to display on the clock face in the box below. You can also change the size of the face by using the slider.

Clock Face

Example Clock Use

Simple example of using the ClockFace:

1145 Code Freeze

July 21, 2018

RedKid Generator

Lots of great Image templates

RedKid Generator is the go-to place to find entertaining image generators. They have 55 creative image designs to pick from. Perfect when you're looking to add a bit of humor to the situation.

Site Description

RedKid.Net is dedicated to providing premium, entetaining, educational, and safe content for internet users of all ages.

Red Kid

Some Examples

Late Train

Red Kid Movie

July 14, 2018


Test your geographic skills with Google maps

The Internet is not all work and no play. There are lots of fun sites out there that can help make you think and still be fun.

This Week's Case in Point is: a website that tests your geographic skills using pictures on Google Maps.

Website Description

Embark on a journey that takes you all over the world. From the most desolate roads in Australia to the busy, bustling streets of New York City.

GeoGuessr is a geography game which takes you on a journey around the world and challenges your ability to recognize your surroundings.

Geo Web Game

Take the Hard map challenge against a co-worker or try it yourself and see how well you know geography and terrain.

July 7, 2018

Avatar Cartoon Creator

Create Avatar quickly for social media

Having a cartoon image of yourself is a creative way to use as the profile photo on Facebook, Twitter or Slack. makes it easy to create a professional looking cartoon-like image of yourself.

Website Description

With our service you can quickly create a Cartoon of Yourself directly online without any software installs and for free! With Cartoonify you can Cartoonize Yourself. We have more than 300 graphics parts so your avatar will be as special as you are. This is one of the easiest and fastest way to convert your Photo to a Cartoon with our app. You only have to choose between its face, eyes, hair, clothes and even a background. Try our online avatar maker now!

As a result you can download your Cartoon Picture as SVG (vector) or as PNG file which is converted from vector graphic parts and also uploads to Gravatar. Additionally, you can create your avatar as gravatars. This is perfect for sharing with all social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and more! Yes! I want to create my cartoon mini-me. Try our Anime Character Creator Website now and create your own self-portrait.


Watch the video on the "How to Cartoon Yourself?" page to learn how to best use the Avatar generator.

Sample Avatar

A few sample Avatar using the 'random' button.

Sample Avatar



I will highlight a fun Internet site every Saturday. The basic premise is to highlight sites that I regularly visit for a variety of reasons. All site recommendations are mine and are unsponsored. By highlighting these websites, I hope to provide value to those who may not know of the sites or who might be interested in visiting the sites. I also want to share the sites that I find valuable in the hopes that others will find them just as beneficial.

Check out all the blog posts.

Blog Schedule

SundayOpen Topic
MondayMedia Monday
ThursdayFinal Cut Pro
SaturdayInternet Tools