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March 15, 2024

GoPro Quick Macintosh

Quick Review of the Macintosh Version

GoPro has shaken things up with an update to their subscription offerings. They've introduced a new tier called "GoPro Premium" that replaces the older subscription plan. This new premium plan offers a more comprehensive feature set, including valuable benefits for both GoPro camera owners and users with footage from other sources.

What's New with GoPro Premium?

The key perk for GoPro Quik for Mac users is that the application is now bundled with the GoPro Premium subscription. This means that if you subscribe to GoPro Premium, you'll gain access to the full functionality of GoPro Quik for Mac as part of the package.

But the benefits extend beyond just desktop editing. GoPro Premium also unlocks unlimited cloud storage for all your GoPro footage, ensuring your action-packed memories are securely backed up. On top of that, GoPro Premium throws in an additional 25GB of cloud storage for videos captured with cameras or devices other than GoPros. This makes it a handy option for creators who want a centralized location for all their video projects, regardless of their source.

Go Pro Quick

This week I played around with GoPro Quik for Mac. Here are some things I learned.

GoPro Quik for Mac offers a user-friendly platform to transform your GoPro footage into shareable social media snippets. Here's a closer look at what it offers and where it falls short:

Subscription Holds the Key to Saving

Before diving into edits, be aware that saving your creations requires a subscription. The price is $4.99/month through Apple (check for potential variations on other platforms). This subscription unlocks a valuable perk: unlimited cloud storage for all your GoPro creations. It even throws in an additional 25GB for videos captured outside your GoPro.

Editing: Focused on Speed, Not Surgical Precision

While GoPro Quik excels at creating short, engaging clips, it doesn't cater to in-depth editing needs. Here's what you might find limiting:

  • Interface Hiccups: Editing longer videos can be a bumpy ride. The app sometimes prioritizes opening the preview window instead of the editing tools, leading to frustration.
  • Limited Text Options: Craving fancy intros or detailed captions? You might be disappointed. Text effect options are scarce.
  • Cropping and Transitions Left Out: GoPro Quik keeps things simple and doesn't offer control over how your video is cropped for different platforms or the transitions used between clips.

Where GoPro Quik Shines: Speed and Creative Themes

Despite the editing limitations, GoPro Quik holds its own in specific areas:

  • Swift Snippet Creation: Quickly transform lengthy GoPro videos into bite-sized content ideal for platforms like TikTok or YouTube Shorts.
  • Theme Library for Inspiration: Breathe life into your videos with a selection of 15 pre-made themes. These themes can add polish and a touch of creative flair to your social media clips.

The Verdict: Ideal for Effortless Social Media Content, Not a Replacement for Advanced Editing

If your goal is to create quick, shareable content to promote longer videos or showcase GoPro highlights on social media, GoPro Quik is a solid choice. However, if you require granular editing control over every aspect of your video, you might need a more robust editing software solution.

March 8, 2024

Logitech H390 Wired Headset

Microphone Compression is too strong.

As a seasoned Macintosh enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for peripherals that enhance my daily workflow. This week, let's dive into the Logitech H30 USB Headset, a versatile audio companion that promises excellent sound quality but comes with a caveat.

Logi U S B Headset

The Good: Sound Quality That Hits the Right Notes

The Logitech USB Headset doesn't disappoint when it comes to audio performance. Here are some highlights:

  1. Rich Sound Profile: Slip these headphones on, and you'll be greeted by a warm and well-balanced sound. Whether you're listening to your favorite tunes, editing audio files, or participating in virtual meetings, the headset delivers clear highs, punchy mids, and satisfying bass.

  2. Comfortable Fit: The over-ear design ensures a snug fit without causing discomfort during extended use. The plush ear cushions and adjustable headband make it suitable for those marathon work sessions.

  3. USB Simplicity: Plug-and-play convenience is a Mac user's dream. The USB connection ensures seamless compatibility with your Mac, and you won't need to fiddle with drivers or complicated setup procedures.

  4. Noise Isolation: The closed-back design effectively blocks out ambient noise, allowing you to focus on your tasks without distractions.

The Not-So-Good: Microphone Blues

Now, let's address the elephant in the room?the microphone. While the Logitech USB Headset shines in sound quality, the microphone isn't without quirks:

  1. Strong Noise Compression: The microphone's noise compression can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it minimizes background noise, ensuring your voice comes through clearly. However, it can also make your voice sound slightly robotic or overly processed.

  2. Microsoft Teams Compatibility: Ah, the eternal struggle! Getting the headset to play nicely with Microsoft Teams can be a bit finicky. Some users report issues with recognition or configuration. Fear not?I've got a workaround for you.

  3. Microphone on the Left: The microphone has to be on the left ear. This may not be a deal break for some people, but I am use to having the microphone on the right.

Tips for Taming the Microphone Beast in Microsoft Teams

  1. Adjust Microphone Sensitivity: In Teams, navigate to your audio settings. Tweak the microphone sensitivity to find the sweet spot. Sometimes a slight adjustment can make a world of difference.

  2. Test Different USB Ports: Sometimes, the port matters. Try connecting the headset to different USB ports on your Mac. You might stumble upon the magic combination.

  3. Firmware Updates: Check if Logitech offers any firmware updates for your headset. These updates often address compatibility issues.

  4. Fallback to Computer Microphone: If all else fails, stick with your Mac's built-in microphone for Teams calls. It's not ideal, but it gets the job done.

In Conclusion

The Logitech USB Headset strikes a balance between sound quality and microphone quirks. If you're primarily using it for music, podcasts, or video editing, it's a solid choice. For Teams calls, keep experimenting until you find the right setup. And remember, even Mac pros like us encounter a few bumps in the road?just consider them part of the adventure!

March 1, 2024

Organizing Your Mac's Launchpad

Help Your Futureself find files

Launch Pad Organizer

As a avid Macintosh user, I've accumulated quite a collection of apps. Over time, my Launchpad has become a bustling metropolis of icons, making it challenging to find the right app when I need it. If you're in the same boat, fear not! Let's roll up our sleeves and declutter that Launchpad.

Why Organize?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's talk about why organizing your Launchpad matters:

  1. Efficiency: When you're in the zone, you don't want to waste time hunting for an app. Organized folders will speed up your workflow.
  2. Task-Based Access: Imagine having a "Video Editing" folder with all your video-related apps neatly tucked inside. No more guessing which app to use!
  3. Spring Cleaning: It's like tidying up your digital house. You'll rediscover apps you forgot existed and maybe even uninstall some you no longer need.

Step 1: Assess Your Apps

First, take a deep breath and open your Launchpad. Scroll through the chaos and mentally categorize your apps. Here are some functional categories to consider:

  • Productivity: Office suites, note-taking apps, project management tools.
  • Creativity: Graphic design, video editing, music production.
  • Utilities: System tools, disk cleaners, password managers.
  • Communication: Email clients, chat apps, video conferencing.
  • Entertainment: Games, streaming services, e-book readers.

Step 2: Create Folders

Now that you've mentally sorted your apps, let's create folders. Here's how:

  1. Click and Hold: Click and hold any app icon until they all start jiggling (like they're doing a little dance).
  2. Drag and Drop: Drag one app onto another to create a folder. Name it something descriptive that means something to YOU. (e.g., "Home Productivity").
  3. Add More Apps: Drag related apps into the folder. Repeat for other categories.


Step 3: Refine Your Categories

Don't be afraid to tweak your folders. Maybe you realize you have too many note-taking apps. Combine them into a single "Notes" folder. Or perhaps you're a photography enthusiast--create a "Photography" folder for all your editing tools.

Step 4: Spring Cleaning

Now that your Launchpad is organized, take a moment to evaluate each app:

  • Use Frequency: When was the last time you opened that app? If it's been years, consider saying goodbye.
  • Duplicates: Do you have three PDF readers? Keep the best one and bid adieu to the rest.
  • Uninstall: If you're sure you won't need an app again, uninstall it. Your hard drive will thank you.


By organizing your Launchpad, you're not only making your life easier but also gaining a sense of accomplishment. Plus, the next time someone asks, "What app do I use for video editing?"--you'll have the answer at your fingertips. Happy organizing!

February 23, 2024

Add Comments to Images/Movies

Make it Easy to Find Your files

Welcome back to our weekly dive into the world of Macintosh! With a decade of exploring, tinkering, and optimizing the Mac under my belt, I've discovered countless tricks to enhance your Mac experience. This week, we're focusing on a feature that many overlook but is incredibly powerful for organizing and retrieving your media files: adding comments to files for Spotlight searches.

Why Add Comments to Files?

Spotlight is a robust search feature on macOS that allows you to quickly find documents, folders, apps, and more. By adding comments to your files, you're essentially tagging them with searchable keywords or descriptions. This practice transforms Spotlight into an even more powerful tool, especially for media files like audio clips, images, and videos.

Adding Comments to Your Media Files

Audio Clips: Capture the Essence

Imagine you have an audio clip of a significant event or a recording that holds sentimental value. By adding comments, you can include details about why it's important, the people involved, or any fun facts related to the recording. This way, searching for "family reunion" or "first guitar solo" in Spotlight can bring up those precious moments instantly.

Images: Tagging Memories

For images, comments can act as tags. If you've scanned an image taken at a specific location or event, adding that information as a comment turns your Mac into a personalized photo album. Type "Paris 2018" or "birthday bash" into Spotlight, and voila, the memories are at your fingertips.

Videos: Tell the Story

Instead of struggling to remember that "MOV_25020.mp4" is your child's first steps video, why not add a comment to tell its story? Describing the video file with "first steps in the living room, sunny afternoon" makes it easily retrievable. Spotlight becomes not just a search tool but a storyteller.

Comments Info

How to Add Comments to Files on macOS

  1. Select the File: Navigate to the file you want to add a comment to in Finder.

  2. Get Info: Right-click on the file and select "Get Info" or press Command + I.

  3. Add Your Comment: In the Info window, look for the "Comments" section. Here, you can type in your tags, descriptions, or any information you find pertinent.

  4. Close the Info Window: Your comments are saved automatically. Close the window, and your file is now tagged for easy Spotlight searching.

Tips for Effective Commenting

  • Be Descriptive: The more detailed your comments, the easier it will be to find the file.
  • Use Consistent Tags: Develop a system of tags that you use consistently across files for more efficient searches.
  • Combine with Other Features: Use comments in conjunction with other file organization features like folders and color tags for a truly optimized system.

Five Things I Learned

Website that are saved from Safari or Chrome automatically has the Meta-Data Description saved in the comments. Also any Meta-Data keywords are saved in a Keywords category in the Info box.

Third Party apps like Path Finder and Commander One do not have any functionality to add text to the comment field.

When you use the Finder Find command there is an option to search only the comments field. You can access this by:

  • Use the Find Command in the Finder.
  • Under the "Kind" select and then select Other
  • In the popup dialog box, called "Select a search attribute" search for Comments
  • Use the "Comment" attribute not the "Spotlight comment"
  • Now you can search the comments of any object!

You can use Automator to add the same comment to multiple files. This is handy if you want to add a location to a much of images that you may have scanned in. [ More Details ]

You can use Apple's Preview app to leave keywords to images.


Adding comments to your files is a simple yet incredibly effective way to enhance your file management and retrieval system on macOS. It leverages the power of Spotlight, transforming it from a basic search tool into a personalized, highly efficient organizer. So, take a moment to annotate those important files, and make your digital life a bit easier and much more organized.

February 16, 2024

Mission Control Tips and Tricks

Fun Things I Learned This Week

As a seasoned Macintosh enthusiast with a decade of experience, I've come to appreciate the layers of functionality and elegance macOS offers. Among its plethora of features, Mission Control stands out as a pivotal tool for boosting productivity. This week, let's dive into how Mission Control can transform your workflow, making multitasking not just manageable but genuinely enjoyable.

What is Mission Control?

Introduced back in OS X Lion, Mission Control is essentially the command center for macOS. It provides a bird's-eye view of all your open windows, desktop spaces, and full-screen apps, allowing for swift navigation and organization. Think of it as your digital desk, where you can spread out your work and easily grab what you need without the clutter.

This week, I have been using Mission Control to manage my work on my computer. It seemed to make it much easier to separate personal from work tasks. Along the way I learned a few things. Here are two things I learned using Mission Control this week that are worth sharing

Gaming Mouse Configuration

Navigating between multiple desktops on your computer doesn't have to be a chore--especially not for gamers who are accustomed to quick reflexes and even quicker decision-making. This week I dove into a game-changing setup for my Z-7900 Gaming Mouse that turns desktop management into a breeze, allowing you to switch between Desktop 1 and Desktop 2 with the mere click of a button. This method not only streamlines your workflow but also integrates seamlessly into your gaming setup, making multitasking smoother than ever.

Setting the Stage: The Z-7900 Gaming Mouse

The Z-7900 is renowned for its customization capabilities, boasting programmable buttons that can be tailored to suit your every need--be it gaming, productivity, or anything in between. By dedicating two of these buttons to desktop navigation, you'll unlock a new level of efficiency in your digital life.

Gaming Mouse Screen
My mouse setting with #5 and #6 buttons set to go to Desktop 1 and Desktop 2

Unfortunately there's no Mac Drivers for the Z-900 mouse, I had to setup the configurations on a Windows computer and then just plugged the mouse in the iMac and it accepted the configurations.

Using Desktop Wallpaper to identify Desktop

Apple's macOS has always been at the forefront of combining sleek design with intuitive functionality, creating an operating system that's both powerful and a pleasure to use. With the release of macOS Sonoma (version 14), users have enjoyed a host of new features and improvements that continue to enhance the Mac experience. However, one feature request that has been consistently voiced by the community remains unaddressed: the ability to name virtual desktops.

Despite the lack of this feature, there's a clever workaround that not only serves the purpose but also adds a layer of visual flair to your workspace organization--using unique desktop wallpapers to distinguish between your virtual desktops.

Mission Control Desktop

Why Name Your Desktops?

The ability to name desktops can significantly improve productivity and organization for power users, professionals, and anyone who relies on multiple virtual desktops to compartmentalize their digital workspace. Names like "Work," "Personal," "Projects," or specific project titles can make navigation faster and more intuitive.

The Visual Solution: Unique Wallpapers

Since macOS Sonoma still doesn't allow users to rename their desktops directly, the next best solution is to use distinct wallpapers for each desktop. This method not only circumvents the naming limitation but also adds a personalized touch to each workspace.

February 9, 2024


Great Tiny Text Companion

Tot Header

In the digital age where information overload is more common than ever, finding a simple, efficient way to manage snippets of information is crucial. Enter Tot, an ingeniously simple application for Mac users that acts as a compact, digital reference book for all those little bits of information you gather throughout your digital life.

Why Tot Shines in a Sea of Note-Taking Apps

At first glance, one might wonder why choose Tot over the plethora of note-taking apps like Apple's Notes or Google Keep. The answer lies in its simplicity and specificity. Tot is designed for the Mac enthusiast who cherishes organization and efficiency. It's not just another note app; it's a dedicated space for your computer-related tidbits, separated from the clutter of everyday notes and reminders.

Imagine having a specialized library at your fingertips, where every book is a collection of tips, tricks, and snippets related to your digital activities. That's Tot. It's where you store those invaluable command line shortcuts, coding snippets, or application tricks?information that's crucial for your productivity but doesn't quite fit in your personal note-taking app.

Tot Window

Key Features That Make Tot Stand Out

  • Markdown Support: For those who love formatting their notes, Tot's Markdown conversion capability is a standout feature. This allows for a more organized and visually appealing way to keep your information, making it easier to read and understand at a glance.

  • Simplicity and Accessibility: Tot's interface is minimalist and intuitive, making it easy to use right from the start. The focus is on your content, not on navigating through a complex app structure.

  • Easy Copy/Paste: Whether it's a URL, a snippet of code, or a useful tip from a webpage, transferring information into Tot is seamless. This makes it an invaluable tool for those moments when you discover something useful online and want to save it quickly without disrupting your workflow.

  • Separation of Digital Life: By using Tot for your computer-related notes, you create a dedicated space that's separate from your personal or work-related note-taking apps. This separation can significantly enhance your productivity and organization, making it easier to find what you need when you need it.

Why Tot Over Others?

The beauty of Tot lies in its focus and simplicity. In a world where apps are becoming increasingly complex and packed with features, Tot takes a step back. It offers just what you need to manage your digital information efficiently, without the bells and whistles that often complicate other apps.

Moreover, Tot's support for Markdown, combined with its ease of copying and pasting text from webpages, makes it an indispensable tool for those who value efficiency, organization, and the separation of different aspects of their digital lives.

In Conclusion

For the Mac enthusiast looking for a streamlined, efficient way to manage computer-related snippets of information, Tot is a game-changer. It's more than just a note-taking app; it's a dedicated digital library for your most valued digital tidbits. Its simplicity, combined with powerful features like Markdown support, ensures that your information is always at your fingertips, organized just the way you like it.

As we navigate through the vast sea of digital information daily, Tot offers a beacon of organization and efficiency. It's a reminder that sometimes, the simplest solutions are the most effective. Try Tot and transform the way you manage your digital life.

February 2, 2024

Safari vs Chrome

Should you even use Safari anymore?

Welcome to this week's edition of our Macintosh-centric blog! As a decade-long user and enthusiast of all things Mac, I'm thrilled to dive into a topic that showcases the unique capabilities of our beloved platform. Today, we're exploring the Safari browser - a gem in the Macintosh ecosystem that often gets overshadowed by the likes of Chrome and Edge. However, Safari holds a trove of exclusive features that not only enhance our browsing experience but also demonstrate the seamless integration and innovation Apple is known for. Let's embark on this safari into Safari!

1. Seamless Integration with Apple Ecosystem

iCloud Keychain: Safari's integration with iCloud Keychain is a standout. Unlike Chrome or Edge, it offers an encrypted and seamless way to store and sync your passwords and credit card information across all your Apple devices.

Handoff: Picture this: You're reading an article on your iPhone and you switch to your Mac. With Handoff, Safari allows you to continue reading right where you left off. This level of synchronization is unmatched in other browsers.

2. Energy and Performance Efficiency

Optimized Battery Life: Safari is engineered to be energy efficient. Mac users can vouch for the noticeable difference in battery life when using Safari compared to Chrome or Edge, especially during prolonged browsing sessions.

Performance Enhancements: Safari's JavaScript engine is optimized for Apple's hardware, making it significantly faster and more responsive than its counterparts on Macs.

3. Privacy and Security Features

Intelligent Tracking Prevention: Safari leads the pack with its approach to privacy. It uses machine learning to identify trackers and prevent cross-site tracking while not compromising the browsing experience.

App Privacy Report: This unique feature provides an overview of how websites and apps are using your data and which ones are attempting to track you.

4. Specialized Browsing Experience

Reader Mode: Safari's Reader mode offers a clutter-free reading experience by stripping away ads, buttons, and background images. It transforms articles into a clean, customizable format.

Picture-in-Picture Mode: Watch videos in a floating window while working on other tasks. This feature is more intuitive and user-friendly in Safari compared to the limited versions in Chrome or Edge.

5. Exclusive Extensions and Integration

Safari Extensions: The Safari Extension Gallery offers unique extensions not available for other browsers. These extensions are more privacy-focused and integrate tightly with the macOS.

Apple Pay Integration: Safari is the only browser on Mac that supports Apple Pay, making online shopping seamless and secure.

6. Visual and User Experience Enhancements

Tab Groups: Safari's Tab Groups is more than just a tab organizer. It syncs across your devices, allowing you to access your group of tabs on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.

Customizable Start Page: Personalize your browsing experience with a customizable start page, featuring your favorite sites, iCloud Tabs, Siri Suggestions, and even a background image of your choice.


Safari is more than just a browser; it's an experience tailored for the Mac user, offering features that are not just about browsing the web but enhancing the overall macOS experience. Its deep integration with the Apple ecosystem, commitment to privacy and security, and unique user-centric features make it a browser that stands out from its counterparts. For those entrenched in the Apple world, Safari is not just a choice; it's a natural extension of the Macintosh experience.

Until next week, keep exploring and enjoying your Macintosh to its fullest!

January 26, 2024

Apple Magic Mouse Problems

Have You Tried Cleaning the Top?

Apple Magic Mouse

Welcome back, Mac aficionados! Today, we're tackling an issue that might have troubled some of you - the Magic Mouse and its occasional rebellious streak.

When Your Magic Mouse Goes Awry

Ah, the Magic Mouse - sleek, responsive, and when it works, a real extension of your fingertips. But what happens when your cursor starts dancing around your screen like it's auditioning for "Swan Lake"? You move it straight, but it jitters, it jags, it takes on a life of its own. Frustrating, I know, let me share a simple fix that might just do the trick.

The Top-Down Approach

In my decade of Mac-mastery, I've seen many a Magic Mouse lose its way. More often than not, the culprit is the top of the mouse. Yes, that smooth, multi-touch surface is not just for show - it's a critical component of your mouse's tracking ability. And just like any other part of your Mac setup, it's prone to gathering dust and grime.

Now, before you reach for the nearest rag, let me stop you right there. The key to cleaning your Magic Mouse is not just to wipe it down, but to do so with care. That's where an alcohol prep pad comes into play.

A Clean Sweep

Alcohol prep pads are perfect for this delicate operation. They're gentle, they're effective, and they'll evaporate without leaving a residue. Take one of these pads and gently clean the top surface of your Magic Mouse. Be thorough, but don't press too hard ? treat it like you would your own smartphone screen.

You'll want to focus on the area where you typically rest your fingers, as this is where most of the dirt accumulates. This slight amount of dirt, almost invisible to the naked eye, can seriously impact the performance of the mouse's sensor.

Magic Mouse Alcohol

The Result

Once you've given it a good clean, give it a test drive. You'll likely notice an immediate improvement. The cursor should now glide across your screen in alignment with your hand movements, straight as an arrow, just as it should.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, folks - a simple, yet effective way to troubleshoot a wandering Magic Mouse. It's these little details that can make a big difference in our daily digital interactions. And isn't that what our Macs are all about? Seamless integration into our lives, with just a touch of magic.

Remember, a clean mouse is a happy mouse, and a happy mouse means a more productive you. Stay tuned for more tips, tricks, and insights from your go-to Macintosh pro. Until next time, keep clicking and stay magical!

January 19, 2024

Apple Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad on Windows 11

Works But Not Worth it

Welcome to another week on our Macintosh blog! Today, we're venturing slightly off the beaten path to explore how Mac enthusiasts can effectively use the Apple Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad on a Windows 11 system. Yes, you read that right - let's bridge the gap between macOS and Windows in a unique way!

Apple Keyboard Dell

Embracing the Unfamiliar: The Windows Key Dilemma

One of the initial challenges Mac users face when shifting to Windows 11 with an Apple keyboard is the absence of a dedicated Windows key. But here's the trick: The Command Key doubles as the Windows key! This might feel a bit odd at first, but it's a seamless transition once you get the hang of it. This key allows you to access the Start menu and perform other Windows-specific functions.

Navigating the World Without a Print Screen Button

As a professional who relies heavily on screenshots, the lack of a Print Screen key might seem like a deal-breaker. However, there's a simple workaround:

  • Using Keyboard Shortcuts: Windows 11 offers a variety of shortcuts for taking screenshots. For instance, pressing Fn + Shift + F11 on your Apple keyboard captures the entire screen, mimicking the traditional Print Screen function.

  • Snipping Tool: Windows 11's Snipping Tool is a powerful alternative for more tailored screenshots. You can easily launch it with a keyboard shortcut or from the Start menu.

Differentiating Between Two Apple Keyboards

Using two identical Apple keyboards for two different systems can indeed be confusing. Here's how to differentiate them:

  • Custom Labels or Stickers: A simple and effective way to tell your keyboards apart is by using custom labels or stickers. This can be as straightforward as a small sticker on the back or a unique keycap for a specific key.

  • Physical Placement: Consistently placing the keyboard for your Windows machine in a specific spot can help create a mental note of which keyboard belongs to which system.

Why Stick with the Apple Magic Keyboard for Windows?

You might wonder why you should bother using an Apple keyboard with Windows 11. Here are a few reasons:

  • Familiarity: If you're primarily a Mac user, the feel and layout of the Apple keyboard might be more comfortable for you.
  • Aesthetics: Apple's sleek design is hard to beat, and it can bring a touch of elegance to your Windows setup.
  • Minimalism: The Apple Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad offers a clean, minimalistic design that many users appreciate, especially in clutter-free workspaces.


Transitioning from a Mac to a Windows environment doesn't mean you have to give up on your beloved Apple peripherals. With a few adjustments and a bit of patience, the Apple Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad can become an integral part of your Windows 11 experience.

January 12, 2024

Connecting Apple Thunderbolt Display to a Dell Laptop

A Mac Professional's Experience

Apple Dell Display

As a Macintosh professional, I've often marveled at the seamless integration and high-quality design of Apple products. However, my recent experience at a new job, where I was provided with a Dell Latitude 7420 laptop, presented an interesting challenge: connecting an Apple Thunderbolt display to a Dell computer. In this week's blog post, I'll share my journey and insights gained from this endeavor.

The Challenge

Excited to enhance my new Dell Latitude 7420 laptop, I attempted to connect my Apple Thunderbolt display. Known for its impressive 2560x1440 resolution, the Thunderbolt display had been a faithful companion in my previous setups. However, I quickly realized a fundamental compatibility issue - the lack of an on/off switch on the Thunderbolt monitor, making it incompatible with non-Apple hardware.

The Solution

After some research and contemplation, I decided to purchase a new monitor: the "Dell 27 Video Conferencing Monitor - S2722DZ." To my surprise, this monitor also boasted a 2560x1440 resolution, matching the Thunderbolt's capabilities. Priced at around $300, it was more economical than the $400 Thunderbolt display.

The Comparison

Dell S2722DZ:

  • Cost-Effective: At $300, it provides excellent value for money.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Works seamlessly with both Windows and Macintosh systems.
  • Designed for Video Conferencing: Enhanced features suitable for modern workplace requirements.

Apple Thunderbolt Display:

  • Higher Price Tag: Today sells for about $400 but it was listed around .
  • Exclusive Apple Compatibility: Limits its use to Apple products only.
  • Unique Feature: Offers a Firewire port, a rarity in current times.


This experience was enlightening in understanding the compatibility challenges between Apple and non-Apple products. While the Apple Thunderbolt display offers specific advantages, particularly for Mac users, the Dell S2722DZ stands out for its versatility and cost-effectiveness, making it a suitable choice for a mixed-device environment like mine.

In a world where cross-platform functionality is increasingly important, choosing the right equipment can significantly impact productivity and ease of use. As technology continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable is key to navigating these changes successfully.

Stay tuned for more insights and experiences from the world of Macintosh and beyond!



A Mac veteran since 1989, I'm here to share my experience with tips and tricks every Friday. Witnessing the evolution of Mac software and hardware firsthand, I've gained a deep understanding of how these machines work and can help you troubleshoot any issues that may come up.

Check out all the blog posts.


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