QA Graphic
June 2, 2023

Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch

Use a USB Headphone Between 2 Computers

The Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch is a great option for anyone who needs a way to use their Sennheiser SC60 USB Headset with both an iMac and a MacBook. The switch is available on for $16, and it is a simple and affordable way to connect your headset to two computers.

To use the Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch with your Sennheiser SC60 USB Headset, simply follow these steps:

  • Connect the Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch to both your iMac and your MacBook.
  • Connect your Sennheiser SC60 USB Headset to the Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch.
  • On your iMac and your MacBook, open the Sound Preferences window.
  • In the Output tab, select the Sennheiser SC60 USB Headset as the audio output device.
  • To switch between your iMac and your MacBook, simply use the buttons on the Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch.

The Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch is a great way to use your Sennheiser SC60 USB Headset with both an iMac and a MacBook. It is a simple, affordable, and effective solution.

Here are some of the features of the Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch:

  • Supports two computers: The Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch can be used to connect two computers to a single USB device. This means that you can use your Sennheiser SC60 USB Headset with both your iMac and your MacBook.
  • Easy to use: The Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch is very easy to use. Simply connect it to your computers and your headset, and then select the headset as the audio output device in your Sound Preferences window.
  • Affordable: The Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch is very affordable. It is available on for just $16.

If you are looking for a way to use your Sennheiser SC60 USB Headset with both an iMac and a MacBook, the Viagkiki USB 3.0 Switch is a great option. It is a simple, affordable, and effective solution.

May 26, 2023

Powerbook Startup Issues

Might be the Battery

When it comes to our trusty computers, we rely on them to power up smoothly and efficiently. However, even the most reliable machines can encounter hiccups along the way. One common issue that can hinder the startup process of a Powerbook G4 is old and deteriorated rechargeable battery. In this article, we will delve into the symptoms, causes, and the best solution to resolve this problem and get your Powerbook G4 back up and running.

As a result, you may find that your old Powerbook is really not dead. You may have a battery that is preventing it from starting up.

Powerbook G4 Battery Issue

Understanding the Issue

The Powerbook G4, a classic Apple laptop, came equipped with a rechargeable battery that provided essential power when not connected to an external power source. Over time, batteries naturally degrade due to age, usage, and environmental factors. As the battery deteriorates, it can create hindrances during the startup process, preventing the computer from booting up.

Symptoms of an Old Battery

  • Inability to power on: The most apparent symptom is the computer's failure to start up, even when connected to a power source.
  • Intermittent power loss: If the battery is severely degraded, the Powerbook G4 might experience sudden power loss during use or fail to hold a charge for an extended period.
  • Unusual behavior: The laptop may exhibit erratic behavior, such as unexpected shutdowns or inconsistent power levels displayed on the battery indicator.

Causes of the Problem

The primary cause of a Powerbook G4's failure to boot up when an old battery is installed is the battery's diminished capacity to supply adequate power. Over time, the battery's ability to hold a charge decreases, resulting in insufficient power delivery to support the startup process. This lack of power can prevent the computer from initiating its normal boot sequence.

The Solution

To resolve the issue and get your Powerbook G4 up and running, the best solution is to remove the old battery. This may sound counterintuitive, as we often rely on the battery for portable power. However, when the battery is old and causing startup problems, removing it will allow the laptop to boot up using the external power source directly.

Follow these steps to remove the battery:

  • Ensure the Powerbook G4 is turned off and disconnected from any power sources.
  • Locate the battery release latch on the bottom of the laptop.
  • Slide the latch to the unlock position and hold it.
  • While holding the latch, simultaneously lift the battery away from the laptop.
  • Once the battery is removed, release the latch.

By removing the old battery, the Powerbook G4 will bypass its reliance on the degraded power source and start-up directly using the external power supply. However, it's essential to note that without a battery, the laptop will no longer be portable and will need to be connected to a power source at all times.

Battery Replacement Options

If you still require the portability of your Powerbook G4, consider replacing the old battery with a new one. Look for compatible replacement batteries available online or consult an authorized Apple service center for assistance. Remember, it's crucial to purchase a battery from a reliable source to ensure quality and compatibility with your Powerbook G4.

A new Powerbook G4 battery is expensive - around $75 - so you need to decide if it's really worth the portability power.

May 19, 2023

Sennheiser SC60 Headset

Great Headset for Work

Sennheiser is a well-known brand when it comes to audio equipment, and the SC60 headset is one of their popular products. The headset is designed for use in offices and call centers, but it can also be used for personal use. In this blog post, we will be discussing how to use the Sennheiser SC60 headset on macOS.

Sennheiser SC60 Headset is what I use on my work computer and it works great on Team and Slack calls.

Sennheiser S C60 Headset

Setting Up the Sennheiser SC60 Headset on macOS

Setting up the Sennheiser SC60 headset on macOS is a simple process. First, connect the USB cable of the headset to your Mac. Once connected, macOS will automatically detect the headset and set it as the default audio input and output device.

To check if the headset is correctly set up, go to the Apple menu and select System Preferences. In System Preferences, click on the Sound icon and select the Input tab. You should see the Sennheiser SC60 headset listed as the default input device. Similarly, select the Output tab to verify that the headset is selected as the default output device.

Configuring the Sennheiser SC60 Headset on macOS

By default, the Sennheiser SC60 headset should work seamlessly on macOS. However, if you want to configure the settings of the headset, you can do so by installing the Sennheiser HeadSetup Pro software. The software is available for free download from the Sennheiser website.

Once installed, the HeadSetup Pro software allows you to configure various settings of the headset, such as the equalizer, noise cancellation, and microphone sensitivity. You can also update the firmware of the headset using the software.

Troubleshooting the Sennheiser SC60 Headset on macOS

If you encounter any issues with the Sennheiser SC60 headset on macOS, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can try. First, ensure that the headset is correctly connected to your Mac. You can try disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable to see if that resolves the issue.

If the issue persists, try restarting your Mac and reconnecting the headset. If that doesn't work, try resetting the SMC (System Management Controller) on your Mac. To do so, shut down your Mac, then press and hold the Shift + Control + Option keys and the power button simultaneously for 10 seconds. Release the keys and power button, then turn on your Mac and try reconnecting the headset.


The Sennheiser SC60 headset is a great choice for those who need a high-quality headset for office or personal use. Setting up the headset on macOS is a straightforward process, and the HeadSetup Pro software allows you to configure the settings of the headset to your liking. If you encounter any issues with the headset, the troubleshooting steps mentioned above should help you resolve them.

May 12, 2023

iTerm Tips and Tricks

Useful Tools for Your Command Line Needs

If you're a developer or power user of the terminal, then you know the importance of a good terminal emulator. iTerm2 is one of the most popular terminal emulators for Mac users and is known for its advanced features and customization options. In this blog post, we'll explore some tips and tricks for using iTerm2 to help you become a more efficient and productive terminal user.

iTerm2 Computer

  • Split Window Horizontally to get more done. This allows you to view two different terminal sessions side-by-side, which can be very helpful for tasks such as comparing files or running multiple commands at the same time.

    To split a window horizontally in iTerm2, press Cmd+D. This will create a new pane that is half the width of the original window. The current pane will be on the left side of the new pane, and the new pane will be on the right side. You can then switch between the two panes by pressing Cmd+Opt+Left or Cmd+Opt+Right.

    You can also resize the panes by dragging the border between them. To maximize the current pane, press Cmd+Shift+Enter. To restore the hidden panes, press the shortcut again.

    Split windows can be a very helpful way to work in iTerm2. They allow you to view multiple terminal sessions at the same time, which can save you a lot of time and hassle.

  • Snippets! Use Snippets to save common commands and use them over and over. Save snippets appear in the Toolbelt and in the Edit menu under Snippets. Some sample Snippets to add:
    • Path to a folder that you access the most (httpd root)
    • tail -f /var/log/testudinal/server/debug.log (Some Common Log file)
    • date "+%b, %d, %Y" (May 12, 2023)
    • date "+%b, %d, %Y"
    • curl (Latest Weather Report)
  • Use Composer to prep your complex commands. - Composer is a dialog box that allows users to insert a complex command line command. This can be helpful for users who need to run a command that is too long to type on the command line, or for users who want to save a command for later use.

    To use Composer, simply press Cmd+Shift+.. This will open the Composer dialog box. In the Composer dialog box, you can type the command you want to run. You can also use the autocomplete feature to help you type the command. Once you have typed the command, you can click the "Run" button to run the command.

    Composer is a very useful feature for users who need to run complex command line commands. It is also a great way to save commands for later use.

In conclusion, iTerm2 is a powerful terminal emulator that offers advanced features and customization options to help you become a more efficient and productive terminal user. With the tips and tricks outlined in this blog post, you can take your iTerm2 skills to the next level and improve your workflow in the terminal.

May 5, 2023

Using UNIX in BBEdit

Expand the capabilities of BBedit

Friday - BBEdit UNIX

BBEdit is a powerful text editor for macOS that offers a wide range of features, including the ability to use Unix commands in Text Factory. This can be a great way to automate tasks and perform complex text transformations.

To use UNIX commands in BBEdit, you first need to create a Text Factory. To do this, go to the Text menu and select New Text Factory. In the New Text Factory dialog box, select the "Run Unix Filter" option from the Type drop-down menu.

Click on the Option button to the right of the "Run Unix Filter" meni, you can enter your UNIX commands in the text box. You can use any valid UNIX command, including grep, sed, and awk.

When you are finished entering your commands, click OK. Once your done, use Command - S to save the change. You should save this in the Application Support > Text Filter directory.

Your Text Factory will now be available in the Text menu.

Using Text Factory

To use a Text Factory, simply select it from the Text menu. BBEdit will run the UNIX commands in the Text Factory and replace the current document with the output.

You can also use TextFactories to perform complex text transformations. For example, you could use a Text Factory to convert all of the links in a document to a different format, or to remove all of the comments from a document.

TextFactories are a powerful way to automate tasks and perform complex text transformations in BBEdit. If you are not familiar with UNIX commands, there are many resources available online that can help you get started.

Pandoc Unix B B Edit

Things I Learned using Unix Command in Text Factory

In the "Run File" text box, make sure to put the complete path of the UNIX command you want to run. (Unless the command is available system wide.)

The arguments should contain everything to the right of the application. No parameters should be in the "Run File" text box.

If you have multiple UNIX commands that you use, you are better off just adding them as different "Run Unix Filter" commands.

April 28, 2023


Command-line tool that is used to create or edit hexadecimal dumps of binary data.

xxd is a versatile tool that can be useful for a variety of purposes, even in 2023. Here are some examples:

  • Debugging: xxd can be used to inspect binary files and debug issues related to their content. The hex dump output generated by xxd can be useful in identifying specific byte sequences that may be causing problems.
  • Data analysis: xxd can be used to analyze the content of binary files or network traffic by generating a hex dump output. This can be useful for understanding the structure and format of the data being analyzed.
  • Forensics: xxd can be used in forensic investigations to analyze the contents of hard drives, memory dumps, or network traffic. The hex dump output generated by xxd can be used to identify patterns or anomalies that may be relevant to the investigation.
  • Encoding and decoding: xxd can be used to convert binary data to and from hex-encoded text. This can be useful in scenarios where data needs to be transmitted or stored in a human-readable format.

Overall, xxd remains a powerful and widely-used tool for working with binary data, and is likely to continue to be used in various contexts in 2023 and beyond.

xxd macOS


Here is an example of using xxd:

Suppose we have a file named "example.txt" with the following content:

Hello, World!

We can use xxd to generate a hex dump of this file by running the following command in the terminal:

xxd example.txt

This will produce the following output:

00000000: 4865 6c6c 6f2c 2057 6f72 6c64 210a Hello, World!.

This output shows the hex representation of each byte in the file, along with the corresponding ASCII characters on the right. The first column shows the byte offset in the file, while the second column shows the hexadecimal representation of the bytes. The third column shows the ASCII representation of the bytes, with non-printable characters represented as dots (.).

April 21, 2023

Refurbished Macintosh

Get a Refurbished Computer to Save some money

If you???re in the market for a new Mac, you may want to consider purchasing a refurbished model instead of a brand-new one. Refurbished Macs can offer various benefits, including cost savings and environmental benefits. In this post, we???ll explore some of the reasons why you might want to consider a refurbished Mac over a brand-new one.

Cost savings

One of the primary benefits of purchasing a refurbished Mac is the cost savings. Refurbished Macs are typically sold at a lower price point than brand-new models, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious shoppers. Depending on the model and condition, refurbished Macs can often be found for hundreds of dollars less than their brand-new counterparts.

Like-new condition

Contrary to what some may think, refurbished Macs have not simply used computers that have been wiped clean and resold. In fact, refurbished Macs are often in like-new condition, having been thoroughly inspected, tested, and restored to their original factory settings. Many refurbished Macs come with a warranty or guarantee, providing peace of mind and protection for your investment.

Environmental benefits

Purchasing a refurbished Mac can also have positive environmental benefits. By opting for a refurbished model, you are giving new life to a previously used computer, reducing the amount of electronic waste in landfills. Additionally, purchasing refurbished electronics helps to conserve the natural resources that are required to manufacture new products.

Availability of older models

If you???re looking for a specific model of Mac that is no longer being produced, a refurbished model may be your best bet. Refurbished Macs are often available in a wider range of models and configurations than brand-new models. This can be particularly useful if you need a specific model for work or personal use.

In conclusion, purchasing a refurbished Mac can offer a variety of benefits over a brand-new model. From cost savings to environmental benefits to the availability of older models, there are many reasons why a refurbished Mac may be the right choice for you. Before making your next Mac purchase, consider browsing refurbished options to see if a model fits your needs and budget.

April 14, 2023


Using Letters with Affinity Designer and Pixelmator

Text is an essential element of any graphic design project. It can be used to convey information, create a mood, or simply add visual interest. However, creating beautiful text effects can be time-consuming and difficult, especially if you don't have any design experience.

That's where Belight Software Letters comes in. Letters is a powerful text design app that makes it easy to create stunning text effects in minutes. With Letters, you can choose from a variety of pre-made templates, or create your own custom designs from scratch. You can also adjust the text color, font, size, and position, as well as add effects like shadows, glows, and textures.

Once you've created your text design in Letters, you can export it as an image or a vector file. This means that you can use your text design in any other graphic design app, such as Affinity Designer or Pixelmator Pro.

Letters Affinity Pixelmator

Affinity Designer is a powerful vector graphics app that's perfect for creating logos, illustrations, and web designs. With Affinity Designer, you can easily import your text design from Letters and add it to your project. You can then resize, rotate, and transform the text as needed.

Pixelmator Pro is a powerful raster graphics app that's perfect for editing photos and creating graphics for social media. With Pixelmator Pro, you can easily import your text design from Letters and add it to your project. You can then adjust the color, contrast, and brightness of the text, as well as add effects like blurs and filters.

By combining Belight Software Letters, Affinity Designer, and Pixelmator Pro, you can create stunning graphics that would be impossible to create with any one app. So if you're looking for a powerful and versatile text design solution, be sure to check out Belight Software Letters.

Belight Letters Choices
Belight comes with a lot of great designs right out of the box!

When you download Letters, you'll see a lot of great designs to pick from. There are great paid designs too, I personally like the "Artistic Stamps" collection with the chalkboard designs.

Here are some additional tips for using Belight Software Letters, Affinity Designer, and Pixelmator Pro to create awesome graphics:

  • Use a variety of fonts and sizes to create visual interest.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different effects.
  • Use a consistent color scheme throughout your design.
  • Export your text design in a high-resolution format.
  • With a little practice, you'll be creating stunning graphics in no time!

April 7, 2023

BBedit's Find Scrap

Enable the System Wide Find Scrapbook

If you're a regular developer of macOS, you may have heard of NSPasteboardNameFind. This pasteboard holds information about the current state of the active application's find panel. While this may seem like technical jargon, understanding what NSPasteboardNameFind does can help you use macOS more effectively and efficiently.

What is NSPasteboardNameFind?

NSPasteboardNameFind is a system-level pasteboard that is used by macOS to store information about the active application's find panel. This includes the search string, search options, and other settings related to the search functionality.

NSPasteboard Name Find

How does NSPasteboardNameFind impact regular users?

For regular users, NSPasteboardNameFind has a few important implications. Firstly, it means that you can easily copy and paste search terms between different applications. For example, if you're searching for a particular term in Safari and want to use the same search term in another application like TextEdit, you can simply copy the search term from Safari and paste it into the find panel of TextEdit.

Finally, NSPasteboardNameFind allows developers to build more powerful search functionality into their applications. By leveraging the information stored in NSPasteboardNameFind, developers can provide users with a more seamless and integrated search experience.

BBEdit "Find Scrap"

There are several advanced features available in BBEdit. One of them is the option of turning on auto-filling for NSPasteboardNameFind when you open the Find dialog box. There is, however, a growing number of users who do not wish to see the same items that they searched for in Safari in the Find field of BBEdit that they searched for in Safari. That is why BBEdit defaults to not showing the feature.

BBEdit calls the NSPasteboardNameFind "Find Scrap" in the documentations.

The Find Scrap option prevents the cached information of Safari from automatically populating the Find field, enabling users to search for something new without having to manually delete the previous information that has been cached.

By default, NSPasteboardNameFind in BBEdit is off. If you wish to turn it on:

Open up Terminal, or BBEdit Shell Worksheet and type in:

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FindDialog_UsesFindScrap -bool YES

Then restart BBEdit for the new setting to take place.

In conclusion, NSPasteboardNameFind is an important system-level pasteboard that enables a variety of search-related functionality in macOS. By understanding how NSPasteboardNameFind works, regular users can take advantage of features like copy and paste search terms and saving and recalling search settings. Whether you're a power user or just getting started with macOS, knowing about NSPasteboardNameFind can help you use your Mac more effectively.

March 31, 2023

Lock Transparency in Pixelmator Pro

Avoid painting on the transparent part of the image

Pixelmator Pro is an excellent image editing software that provides powerful tools to enhance your images. One of the many features of Pixelmator Pro is the ability to preserve transparency on images. By doing so, you can maintain the original background of your image while editing it. In this blog post, we will discuss how to preserve transparency on images in Pixelmator Pro.

Note: In Affinity Designer/Photo this is call Protect Alpha.

Why Do This?

I have been trying to find a way to change the black color of a text image from black to white, and I thought that the best way to do this would be to use the paint brush, but I only wanted to paint the text and none of the background.

The best way would be to lock the transparency and then paint away. Locking the transparency will allow you to only paint the text and not the background, because the paint brush will be confined to the boundaries of the text. This will make sure that the text is painted, while the background is left untouched.

Enabling Transparency

Here are the steps to lock the transparency on a layer in Pixelmator Pro.

Option 1:

  • Select a Layer
  • In the top menu bar, select Format, then Image then "Preserve Transparency"

Pixelmator Preserve Transparancy
Option 1

Option 2:

  • Select a Layer
  • Right-click on the layer and select "Preserve Transparency"

Pixelmator Preserve Transparancy
Option 2



A Mac veteran since 1989, I'm here to share my experience with tips and tricks every Friday. Witnessing the evolution of Mac software and hardware firsthand, I've gained a deep understanding of how these machines work and can help you troubleshoot any issues that may come up.

Check out all the blog posts.


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